Statement at the Third Show Trial


This edition of Statement at the Third Show Trial has been prepared and revised for digital publication by the Institute of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism under the Central Committee of the Communist Party in Switzerland on the basis of the pamphlet edition published by the Red Flag Publishing House, Lima, 2017.


This is a statement made by Comrade Gonzalo in Lima, Peru during the third show trial against the Central Leadership of the Communist Party of Peru on the 27th of June, 2017.

#Workers and oppressed people of the world, unite!


#27th of June, 2017


Mr. Moderator:

Mr. President:

I have nothing to declare. Why? Because I have nothing to do with Tarata. When will you understand? Try to prove that I caused Tarata! Try to prove it and I will believe you!

This is a complete farce! I had nothing to do with it!

The Central Committee does not decide on specific actions. You do not understand what armed struggle is. How are you going to judge us? Try to find a military officer who knows this and who can advise you, as they do in other cases.

On the second issue, the question of illegal drug trafficking.

All my life, sir, I have never touched drugs, because I was tempered in this way. I have a brain; I do not need to get drunk in order to think, much less get high. Nor have I participated in that mess, never! Why? I am not one of those people who poison others; I am one of those people who fight for humanity. That's what I've proved that I am, sir! Other people — poisoners — who fill their pockets while they rule Peru, they are the culprits.

Therefore, I don't know what you want me to talk about, sir. What do you want me to tell you? I don't know! Study the Minutes of the Plenary Session, and there you will see the furious criticism that we made against this Tarata action. And I'm going to provide you with a political reason, sir. We arrived at a moment, in 1991, in which we had to win over the national bourgeoisie. So, how could we strike against it? How could we?

It makes no political sense, sir. It was a monstrous error made by those who committed it. This is a political reason. Try to prove the contrary. We are politicians, not profiteers, nor mercenaries, we are none of that, we are Communists, we are fighters, sir. So, what am I saying? Neither this case nor the other one has anything to do with me. That's all, sir.